Friday, December 17, 2010

Cindy's post about Christy's post

i Saw Cindy's re blog about Christy's blog and i knew i could relate to this

"Like Christy, I miss my middle school too... sometimes.
Somethings I do NOT miss are:
Uniforms. I hated tucking in my shirt.
What I DO miss:
After school. We would always buy ICEEs at the corner store, sour gummy worms, and get this Lucas ice cream. The ice cream was so good. Then we'd go to the roof of the Chavez library and eat there. I didn't have to worry about going home to do homework."

Cindy and me went to the same Middle school and we were like best friends with a whole bunch of friends. When i think back to middle school, i actually do miss it. The teachers probably thought we were high and always getting in trouble. i Actually think that we were living our life to the fullest. i remember having a random water fight in art class with Eric and i got kicked out of class and sent to the principles office and i was playing on a kindergartens chair sliding down the hallway by myself,and Climbing lockers, and climbing lockers.

This brings back so much memories. I am just afraid that we are growing up to fast. Middle school was just two years ago then now i am just two years away from graduation. I am actually scared, I want to stop life for a moment. That is actually why i am more focused on having fun right now. Seventh grade was a blast too. Two new teachers, Everybody knew what that means. One teacher was a push over and it was like a party everyday in class. "According to my calculations, we have to get off the table" - Jessica Mata. People threw books out the window and I remember throwing gummy bears around the classroom in science class.

I just got sent out the class so much... that is not a good thing but yeah it is fine. The teachers always irritated me at Saint Liz but the people just brings me joy. I also do miss the icee store and gummy worm stores too. We ate so much food at the Chavez library and yeah we did not do our homework there because we did it all the next day even though it was due that day. Amazingly we got it done.

The Coldest Winter ever #3

The last discussion today was about the third section of the book. I do not think much happened in the third section, but still drama did happen. What happened to far was that Santiaga still has not gotten out of jail. But instead of staying in a jail close to winter. For some reason they moved him farther away so it is harder for Winter to visit Santiaga. They do not even mention about her sisters anymore and barely about the mom. They did mention the mom when Winter said she saw a ninety pound crack head and then she noticed that it was her mom. I thought that that was just so skinny because i am already over ninety pounds, but ruby says that is what crack can do to you. Well we also discussed why Winter is not focused on her family anymore.

I think that she is not focused on her family anymore because she is focusing on herself first and get her life going and then after help her family. Or that she thinks that there is no point of helping her family anymore because her dad can not be proved not guilty because the popo have so much evidence that keeps Santiaga in jail. The Popo has been watching there family to long, they have all of the drug dealers that worked for Santiaga. The mom is already a drug addict and it would be so hard to fix that.

I guess she does not care for her sisters that much anymore because she can not support the kids all by herself and has no time to worry about her sisters. Even though she is dating Bullet now. Before i thought that Bullet was just trying to play her and make himself look good while being with her, But he actually thinks that she is a wise woman the should be treated right. For her birthday he brought her all the way to Florida just to have dinner. He seems like a Good guy, for now. But i wonder if he would end up like Santiaga cheating on her mom. Well that is all i remember about my discussion today.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What I Dont Understand....? O_o

Since time changed, it gets darker faster now. When i hang out with friends today it was only 5:30Pm and it got dark already. I like the darkness because it makes me more happier to run around in the streets at night. What i do not like about it is that my mom might make me come home earlier. Before I came home like around nine or ten and today she called me at six saying she is going to pick me up. Time just feels so fast now and life is coming at me faster than ever. Sometimes i like it, but sometimes i kind of want time to just stop for me to catch up in life.

I feel kind of lost because my mom told me the older you get the fast life comes at you. I spend most of my days listening to music, watching TV, doing homework, and sleeping. I only hang out with friends at school and sometimes after school. I think friends and clothes are what makes me happy now. Especially food because of the deliciousness. Shoes are the best thing that makes me happy, I love a lot of shoes and i want more. But my mom says i have to much already, i do not think i have a lot because when i wear shoes to school i mostly wear my black and white vans, boots, and black and gray Nike. I do not understand why open toed shoes are bad at school. Last year i wore open toed shoes and nothing bad happened to me.

Are some people afraid of toes? Dogs like to stare at weird things. like my dog likes to stare at flies. I am bored. My sister just punched the bed. she gets mad easily too. i do not know what to do with her sometimes. she has anger issues. i hope she does not read this well my brother talks to much. why does not he just shut up. i tell him to shut up but he does not listen. i keep laughing at the song Boats and Hoes on Step Brothers that i watched. That movie has to be the funniest movie ever.

The Coldest Winter Ever #2

In our discussion for the coldest winter ever, the discussion wasn't as great as the first one because more drama happened in the first one. The second part was just showing us what she went threw to trying to live her life with out her parents there with her. Well her mom got out of jail and started living with her aunt and her sisters were taken away because they were underage. When the mom tried getting her back, they didn't give her back because they said that the mom didn't have a place to live and even if she did live with her aunt, there is not enough room in there for the kids. What we said that most shocked us was that when they were at the jail to meet Santiaga. They found another lady there to meet Santiaga too.

It figures out that Santiaga is just like all the other guys in Brooklyn, cheating on there wife. Her mom was mad at her aunt not letting her borrow her wig. So she shaved off all of her head. When Winter lives at her aunts house she gets taken away by the people to a Foster home. She messes with the Counselor saying how she masturbates to the sound of washing machine. It made me laugh when i read that part. Of course Winter hates being in a foster home. and she does not want to work. so she tries to make money without having to leave the foster home.

She calls up her friend Natalie to buy things for her and gets someone to pick it up for her. then she tries to help a fat girl in the foster home to buy the things to lure more people in to buy her things. In two weeks, she makes two thousand dollars. Doing this business inside the Foster home has to be a secret because it was not allowed in the Foster home. We think that her doing this, she would make enough money to help her when she leaves the foster home. Unless she gets caught then it would get her in big trouble. I need to read on more to understand what is going to happen to her.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bianca's Post

Bianca re blogged this, but i do have to agree with this:

"Is taking drugs worth it to look cool? Well, first of all, drugs can give someone cancer, some of which consist of emphysema (lung disease) and heart disease. These are longtime illnesses that can not be cured; one minute someone is happily smoking a cigarette, and the next minute, they are hooked up to an oxygen machine 24/7 and unable to leave their house. Every week, they will need chemotherapy to help them get better; but be aware that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, it only suppresses it. In Andy's post, he also talks about how people are peer pressured into taking drugs. Through peer pressure, people get the feeling that if they do not follow the crowd, then they are not as cool as the other people. It seems crazy to just think that for a moment of coolness could actually cost someone their life. So, to conclude, I do not feel that being seen as cool by other people is enough motivation to take drugs. (Not that I would for any other reason!)"

I am always curious Why do people do drugs to look good? i am just guessing that they do drugs to keep up with the style. I have noticed peoples style are the same and they do the same things. Only some people choose to make a wiser choice to not do drugs. some people can be stressed over what they do or what is going on in there life and do drugs to keep them calm. That is what stress balls are made for. They should give it out for free to stop the people that do drugs just for stress. Just by doing that, it'll probably bring down the amount of people that does drugs. I do not think people should worry about why people do drugs. They should worry about how to stop it because i am pretty sure no one wants there friends to die just because of a stupid choice/reason. I do not think therapy works, they just want people to think that it works so they can get money.

The Coldest Winter Ever #1

The book discussion was better than our other book before. This one basically talking nonstop. In the First hundred pages there was just so much drama happening. Our book discussion was talking about the beginning of the book until the first clip. In the beginning of the book Winter was talking about how good her life is. Basically she has everything that she could possibly want, Boys, Money, Clothes, Etc. She is spoiled by her father who is a drug dealer. She roams the streets like she owns the people there. Everybody is in Brooklyn knows her because of her dad.

If guys try to get at her, they would have to be cautious because her dad is always protecting her and would beat up anyone that treats her wrong. On the other hand, her mom is more open on what winter does. Winter's mom does not have a job because she says staying pretty takes a lot of time. In people’s eyes, they could say Winter has the perfect life. On her birthday, her dad gives her a picture. They move to Long island, even though Winter does not want to move. Her dad says you got to move around because of his business. They move into a big mansion. She misses Brooklyn so she tries to find ways to go back to visit. One day she lies to her parents, but when she comes back she sees that everything is gone. Her mom tells her that the police have arrested her father and took everything as evidence.

My Group was talking about how her dad could buy stuff even though there was no paper work for the house, cars, etc. We also talked about how this relates to life. There are drug dealers out there and life styles like this. But not all drug dealers can stick to one woman like Santiago can, and they are not as slick as him. It is more like a Too good to be true thing. People these days are running around on the streets living there life and not busy getting their education. The world has change to much focusing on how they appear to people. Winter lies to her friends just to impress them with what she has.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #3

This class discussion was the best that we had so far says Mr. Sutherland and i agree that it was the best. This book was confusing and never changed from being confusing, but it did get less confusing. Yolanda does change through out the book but i was kind of agreeing with kyle that maybe Yolanda did not change that much. Like maybe that is who she was really is on the inside and when she came to America she finally got to show how she really is on the inside. This is more like a question that can never be answered because we do not know Yolanda like that.

Like did she really change when went to America or was she already like that? Lots of people in class have there own opinions on what they think about the book. The kitten part in the story gave me a real shock too. I knew exactly that the Kitten could represent Yolanda and her sisters. Like saying that The kitten are sent away from there mothers like Yolanda and her sisters were sent away from there mothers to go to America. There lives changed because comparing the Dominican Republic is really different from America. They probably have an unexpected feeling because she was sent to America so unexpectedly. She was probably shocked and did not know what to feel. I am Guessing that since the tittle is "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" Maybe they did not really loose there accents, They actually mean they lost there innocence. I do not think that she lost her innocence from just experiencing the world more.

It is also about loosing the things that she had. like she had her mom before and her family, but going to America she lost that and mostly had to rely on herself to help her grow up in life. "Kittens die faster when they don't have their mom" That can effect her while growing up too because she was not fully grown when she was sent away and just learns everything on her own. I do not think the topic of this book was open to the other things much.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Saber's Post

I was looking through reader and found Saber's Post that I could relate too:

"I don't no why this is still happening to me. I am trying to do well in school but all I'm getting is bad grades. I don't know why. I am doing work but I'm still getting bad grades I am really losing my cool, I just want a good grade but I can't now I might get kicked out of A.S.T.I. but I don't want to. I want to stay so that I don't have to take 4 years of college. I want to make my father proud of me, I hate it when he compares me to other people like my brother who gets A's and B's which I hate so much when he compares me."

The same thing is happening to me too. I try to study, but when i study everything i study is not on the test or i just go blank. I do not know why the test are worth so much at ASTI because at my old schools they were not worth that much. I do not know what is happening with me either, makes me feel like such a failure because all the work and homework is easy, but i do not do good on test. It is just that is is so much easier to fail this school than the other school, i do not know why. It confuses me because I like it here too and i might get kicked out of ASTI too. So I know how you feel because my mom would go crazy with comparing and saying that i embarrass her and the family. It is bad enough that we get bad grades but they repeat it over and over. I guess it is a way for them to yell at us and have an excuse to yell at us or if we want to buy something they say it. Like when i ask my mom to go somewhere or buy something, she says that i need to go bring up my grades

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Someone you Wish You Could Meet/ Life ;D

I want to meet a lot of people, but if there was one person, just one person that I get to meet. It would be Taeyang, he is a famous Korean singer. He used to be in a band called BigBang. I think he is the hottest guy in the world and he can sing. That is like the perfect guy right there. Lots of girls thinks he is hot and I do not want to be one of those girls that are obsessed with Famous people, but he is really cute.

I always wanted to meet Barney too because I think that he is very squishy and I want to hug him. I do not like his friends though because they get to hug him and I dont. I mean i do not Have to meet him, it would just be great if i did. I could die right now and be happy that I met people in life. I think that i could die right now and my life would be accomplished. My parents always tell me to focus on grades and studying, I would agree that I should and i am not saying it is bad. But i am more focused on living my life happily the way I want instead of stressing over things. I am a pretty laid back person that could care less about most things. It is complicated on what goes on in my head, but i do care about people. I focus on having fun more then my grades. I Know that is a bad thing and i would like my grades to be Good.

I just do not wanna die and in heaven when i am thinking back, I am just studying instead of going out to the world and exploring it. I love to explore the world because i like the experience different types of environments. I do not really like quiet neighborhoods because it is boring, I only like it to run down the streets screaming. My friends think I am crazy because I said I would rather live in Oakland than Alameda because it has more excitement. I slept at my friends house one night and it was exciting to see police cars a lot when I look out the Window. When I look out the window in Alameda, I just see cars/bus come by. I Think my family is Probably the loudest because my neighbors are quiet and my family likes to open there music up loud and we scream a lot. I do not know if they are the same and we just do not hear it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #2

Before I did not know what to write about, but in class when we had that group discussion. I noticed that since you showed us about the innocence that other people talked about in there blog. People are talking more about Yolanda and her innocence now. My group was talking about it and when we had an entire class discussion, I figured it was not just my group. Some other groups were talking about it too and other kinds of ways the resembles that Yolanda is slowly loosing her innocence. When I was listening, what Mostly i heard was that as life goes on for Yolanda in America that she experiences it more and looses her innocence.

I agree with everyone, But one think that amazed me the most that someone said in class that i never thought of before was that the more she lost her accent, the more she looses her innocence. That gave me a shock because I agreed with it but it would have never came to my mind about that. Yolanda seemed like a innocent girl before in the Dominican Republic, but America has changed her a lot because of how much the freedom she has now. I guess that everybody in Yolanda's family including her is learning how America is and how different America is towards the Dominican Republic. It made me interested in how she is going to change for the rest of the book. Like if she is going to go back the country or is she going to like America more then the Dominican Republic.

In the Book also says that Sofia looses respect from her father because of what she has been going through in her life.She brought some weed home and her mom found it and was sent to the Dominican Republic. I think she lost respect and trust from both of her parents when this happened. Moving from one environment to another can really change a person in the way they live there life or the way they act. Seems like more excitement has came into her life because before her family seemed like one of those rich snobs that acts sophisticated. After going to America it seems like she let herself more loose and lost control of herself.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #1

As I Been reading it was confusing as everyone said, but i kept reading it over and over and i think that Yolanda is just trying to find out who she really is during the book that i have read. She Does not fit in with her family because she left when she was young. This book was not the way i expected. I thought it was more like when Something happens to her country and she runs away to America and starts a whole new life, forgetting where she came from. It is nothing what i imagined. It is more like she left her family to go somewhere and came back and does not fit in anywhere. i Still do not understand why the guy would not expect for a woman not to be out late at night.

After many of years living in America, that made her different from what people remembered her as. So when she comes back to her homeland, she feels like she does not fit in with her family. If they have a tradition of all meeting up every year, But this year they changed it. The dad usually give them little bills in envelopes to them. Sofia was lucky that after running away from her father and a fight, she ended up with a good husband and a baby. I think Yolanda feels Kind of lost that it is hard to communicate with her family, especially the one she loves the most. After what happened to the Yolanda at the last chapter, she was scared because it. She would never think of sex the same way again.

I think she is frightened. Its get interesting by the end of this section because it goes more into what is happening in her life. She still seems kind of lost in what is going on in her life though. Sounds like she kind of looses control of herself and goes wild now. I think Yolanda feels like she is caught between two different worlds and does not know where to fit in. This story seems really deep to me and reading it just once, you would not understand it after reading it for a while.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

Over the few months, i basically wrote about what was on my mind and what I thought about it. Doing blogs for this semester was easy to do. Last year my school tried making us do blogs, but no one did them so they canceled it. i never thought it would be fun to write blogs about your own topic and not about a specific thing. I did new interesting topics that were easy to talk about and write a lot about that it would go over 300. Cindy gave me the idea of doing the topics from the 30 day challenge. Reading other peoples blogs, they wrote subject that i never thought about writing. I just never thought that I would we writing letters to my best friend or even my crush right now.

Even doing the essays I put a lot of time into doing it. I thought it was kind of hard to Blogging helps me write what is on my mind and how i feel about the situation. Even having to write about specific topics give me a chances to express my topics on what my own opinion is on them. It is like a place to keep your thoughts that anyone can read and know what is on my mind. The best thing about writing a blog is that you can say anything you want even though it is stupid and important things. I have learned to like blog more than I did before. I used to think there was no point and a waste of my time, but now I think that it is fun. Even though i have writers block sometimes. But i learned to get over that. I also liked doing reblog because i can also write my opinions on other peoples topics too. Like kyle's....

"I had the best time in a long time tonight at my music class. I feel proud of what I can do, something I love. I felt like I was flying, high above Starland, high above Alameda. I could even see into Oakland, if you get what I mean. I just felt awesome. A superfluous sensory judgement warranted of an exclamatory response~! I knew i would go to bed tonight not worrying about what I had to do to make my life better, what I had to do to make tomorrow count the most as it can for my future. A kind of inconcievable joy that can only be describe by laughing out loud."

While reading this it was very interesting for me because before i did not know that music made kyle feel this great. So I wrote about how music can make not just kyle, but also others to feel this great about music. Not only music can do this, but also art and dancing can make people feel this great. Everybody has there own talent that makes them feel like they are in heaven. It made me know that a guy should never treat me wrong, and if they do then I should not even be with them because no one should never be treated a way that makes them feel like they are not comfortable.

In class the teacher showed us a blog that amazed me the most especially how it was coming from a guy. Like her understood how girls should be treats and how bad the the guys do not understand how to treat them and end up treating them wrong. Like the power of strength they have to control the girls and make them do what they want them to do. He is right, girls should never be pressured into sex and guys only want to have sex to improve there reputation. Ferman posting this up was very interesting in how he thought about it and typed in every detail how it works.

"Another thing that guys do when they are in a relationship is that they try to pressure their girlfriend to have sex. Guys have nothing to lose. If anything, a guy’s reputation is improved by having sex, at least in the eyes of his friends. For example, something that they would say is "kool man you finally hit that. So are you going to dump the chick?" On the other hand, girls have many more consequences to face if something goes wrong. They can get STDs so as the guy and get pregnant. And a girl’s reputation is much more at stake if she has sex and people find out about it. rumors will be spread and she will be called a hoe, or a slut. She will not only get sex but also might be dumped,. If she gets pregnant, she might abort the baby which is wrong to do."

My first reblog was on Cindy's post. When i read it, it made me laugh so much just reading it. The memories we had from so a long time ago. It showed me that we have gone through so much together as best friends. And it made me miss the past with all the friends we had and when we all hung out everywhere that we could possibly go.

"In 8th grade you were in my class right? where did we go that year? it seemed like we went to a lot of places after school. we went to quickly. at that time they were making the quickly near school. finally when they are done with it, we don't go there anymore. Okay! now freshmen year, you went to nea, i went to asti. i went to your house every few weeks and ate your food. We went to San Francisco and Hayward. and other places that i cant think of. ...i don't know what else to say for freshman year. Now, we both go to asti. we only have one period together. i hope that the classes get switched up for the 2nd semester. i don't think that will happen. Now i will IM you to tell you i put up the 30 day challenge."

Friday, October 22, 2010


During the Halo cause Memoir "Night", Elizer a the author and main character, his dad are forced to go to a concentration camp. They get tortured by the Nazis because of their religion. The Nazis tries to make Elizer go against his dad. By the end of the story, The dad dies and Elizer could not do anything to help his dad stay alive. The conflict of this story is that just because Nazis do not like Jewish People, they wanted to make them work for them or kill them.

The Nazis are taking them away from the place that they live, "He came back at eight o' clock. Good News: it wasn't today that we were leaving the town... At nine o' clock, the scene begins all over again. The policeman with truncheons yelling: All Jews outside." (pg.16)He and his family was being taken away from where they live even though they do not wanna go. He and his family was not ready to leave the house yet. Elizer saw his dad cry for the first time when they were being taken away from their house that they have been living in their entire life. They are Frightened while this is happening because they have never experienced this before.

When Elizer looks around, he saw everybody looking scared when they were trapped in the room. As he looks around, "we has a woman with us named Madame Schacter. She was about in her fifties; her ten year old son was with her, crouched in the corner Her husband and two eldest son had been deported with the first transport by mistake. The separation had completely broken her" (PG. 22) When i read this part of the book it makes me feel sad that she has been separated from her husband and does not know where he is and he could die with out her knowing. This is the worst thing that anyone could do to one another, just because of their religion.

Elizer already had one night there. This is what he thought, "Never Shall i forget that night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall i forget that smoke. Never shall i forget the little faces of the children whose bodies i saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky" (pg.32) He Can not take watching all these kids get burned and killed. It is so horrible and torturing that he can not ever forget what he has seen. Seems like he could have felt the pain that the children were going through." (pg. 60) I witnessed others hanging. I never saw a single one of those victims weep. For a long time those dried up bodies had forgotten the bitter last taste of tears." They probably felt that there was no point of crying because they could not do anything about it to change the fact that they are being killed. They did not want to put up with anymore torture, so they seemed like they were ready to die and restart a new life over again.

By the end of the story, the father does not get killed by the Nazis. He dies of sickness, I think his body was tired and did not want to go through anymore pain and torture. So his body shut down on him. Leaving his son there sad watching him die. But the Nazis told him that there was nothing that he could do to save his father from dying. Elizer thought that if there was a God out there, he should be saving his dad instead of him. So Elizer is having doubts about his religion.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Dear Crush,

I never thought this would happen. You were the one to tell me you had a crush on me and ended up falling for you. Problems came that kept us apart so we could not make it official, but we are patient enough to wait. We went on with life and you were always the one to cheer with up. Every morning we text each other just to say, "have fun in school" and text every night to end up saying, "Goodnight".

When I see your face, I can not help but smile because you are just so cute. I like you because you can be the sweetest thing and also be a great friend that i can joke around with. Weeks have passed and our problems are over, everything is fine but we are still not official. You live kind of far away, so we barely get to see each other, but when we do, our friends are all around us. When we are alone, it feels like the whole entire world has stopped just for us.

You say Corny things that are sweet but make me laugh like crazy. I like how i can be comfortable around you, I can say the stupidest things and you would laugh at me. You stare at me and smile with the cutest smile ever. I Love when we try to speak Vietnamese with each other but never know what to say. We still have to go to the zoo and steal a animal. Going to JapanTown, StreetFest, and Jessica's House are the memories we have that i will never forget. When i laugh it feels like everything in my life is all fine, and you are the one to make me laugh every time we talk.

You do the Weirdest things that no person would ever do or most guys would not even have the guts to do. Usually guys like to mess with girls and move from girl to girl, but you are so innocent and I know i can that you are trustworthy. Even people may say i am to young, i want a relationship that can last and i am hoping you are the one. You know who you are.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kyle Salter


I was Reading blogs and this sounded like a interesting topic to talk about, "I had the best time in a long time tonight at my music class. I feel proud of what I can do, something I love. I felt like I was flying, high above Starland, high above Alameda. I could even see into Oakland, if you get what I mean. I just felt awesome. A superfluous sensory judgement warranted of an exclamatory response~! I knew i would go to bed tonight not worrying about what I had to do to make my life better, what I had to do to make tomorrow count the most as it can for my future. A kind of inconcievable joy that can only be describe by laughing out loud."

I agree that when you are doing what you love, it feels like heaven and does not even feel like you are teaching someone something. Playing music can take you to another world, "Music world". Makes you feel like you are flying across the world because the notes that you play are just so amazing that you want to jump around like crazy and dance. It is like a drug that never goes away when you are playing. Going to sleep, not Worrying about a thing can make you have a nice beautiful sleep and have nice dreams. Waking up and busy thinking about your future is good too, so you are aware of what is coming at you. Being worried about a lot of things can be a good thing at time because when you are worried for someone, it just means you care. It does not mean you are a freak. Just keep living your life, i am sure that happiness will always be with you and never go away. Sometimes sadness will be there too, but Happiness will always beat sadness and make everything go away and you will feel much better at the end. When you die, i know you will die as a happy man because you fulfill your life with many adventures. I liked how something so simple can make the words you say here so deep.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dear Cindy Jessica and Alisa,
You guys all have different things about you that makes you guys my best friend. I can joke around with all of you, you guys have different personalities that i enjoy hanging with. Cindy (ChunckyButt), met you in 4th grade at SEES. You're more serious now, but you always give me your truthful opinions when i ask you things. Most of our fun things are said in my other blog. Well we talk about clothes and style but we also talk about homework and different kinds of task. We have different types of style, but we still get along fine. I love your clothes, but it's not my style. You help me in homework sometimes a

Alisa (Lisa,Office Max, My Journal), met at NEA and only known you for a year. I bothered you, made faces at you, and jumped around in front of you. We ended up good friends. You are a calm, easily angered, and simple person, isn't very outgoing but i know in mind that you are very crazy. I know you watch peoples every move and question everything. I can talk to you about anything and you wont think I'm a freak or judge me. We have not talked lately because you don't go on Aim anymore. I still need to meet your cute little brother.

Jessica (Tall Skinny Girl), met at NEA last year. I remember when we started becoming friends and i was trying to teach you how to say fasho. We like to hang out at your house with Lisa. We would go ride your bikes to the park and run into poles. I don't know if I'm a bad influence, but get off you're lazy butt and do something fun. I love it when we i stay at your house until like ten at night because there is so much things to do at your house. Your parents make a lot of good food, especially the sushi.

We all haven't hung out a lot like we used to, but i guess we're moving on. We still talk to each other and hang out once in a while. I hope one day we will get to hang out again. I miss you all of you.

Qfwfq's Accepting Himself

Through out the story, Qfwfq feels hated from others. He thinks that he is not cool enough for the people around him. People think that he is different, but by the end of the stories he learns to accept himself for who he is. Even though he is different, that is just the person he is and he can not change it.

Qfwfq do not like the way he is because the people around him do not treat him like others. When he did not fit in, people were probably making fun of him, "I could have sunk into the ground from shame." He is not confident because other people always make him feel like he is not good enough to fit in. He probably felt lonely because of the way he looked, "There hasn't been a dinosaur seen here since the day of our grandfathers' grandfather..." Sounds like he is old fashion since he could have the same style oh his great great grandfather. Through out this life he felt like he never fitted in.

He figured out that he is just like everyone else around him. "They all ha something, I know, that made me somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them." He also figures that he is very different from them also. "But the Dinosaur they imagined was too different from the Dinosaur I was and this thought made me even more different and timid." By the end he learned that it is better that he is not like everybody else because he does not want to be normal, but he still wants to have friends.

Since he never found someone that accepted him, instead he figured that he was better than others. He knew he could not live life while hating who he was all the time. "...I finally felt toward them the same intolerance i had had toward my own environment and more I heard them admiring the Dinosaurs the more I detested Dinosaurs and new ones alike" He sounds like he is finally learning how much people actually admired him. So he is starting to like the way he is. He figures that not everyone hated him and that made him realize that not everything about him is bad. "I realized I never thought about how we appeared to others, and that, among all the nonsense, those tales, here and there, from the narrators' point of view, had hit on the truth" He notices that everything that people say about him or all his Dinosaurs is the truthe

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cindy Tadeo

I find it interesting how we had so much memories that we can't explain it all. So i will add on more for the most i remember.

" In 8th grade you were in my class right? where did we go that year? it seemed like we went to a lot of places after school. we went to quickly. at that time they were making the quickly near school. finally when they are done with it, we don't go there anymore."

I remember us going to quickly with Eric and Yesenia. We would be lazy and take bus and Bart when we don't want to stand near stinky people on bus 1. We would dance on the Bart to the cameras and hang on Bars. "why am i cricked" (inside joke). We would go to the quickly at Fruivale as they build it and stand there while eating carrots. I miss eighth grade, we went like everywhere we could possibly go and walked so much. We never hated to walk a lot because we wanted to explore around. Walking to Kevin's house was a killer but it was fun going to his house and you gave his big teddy bear CPR because you accidentally dropped him. We played dress up and at Juan's house too. Going to Leo's house at like ten at night because you had to go pee and we got stuck in Chinatown and your mom had to bring us home. We were in the same class and sat next to Julius, he was so funny. I accidentally spitted in his eye while I was saying a joke and he spitted back into my eye. We got in trouble a lot in eighth grade because we didn't listen to the teachers much, well I didn't. The teachers thought we were high because we were to crazy, I think they wonder how hyped we can get by not eating sugar or anything. During Algebra class we would play with rubric cubes while Mr. Chalky thought we were playing puppets and slide on the floor cause of what we saw on youtube. We don't hang out as much as we used to. :( We grew up so much. I hope one day we can hang out like crazy again and stay out late. We still got to go shopping.

My Day(:

My day was great starting from lunch and after, I had lunch with Christy ,Jessica, Ashili, Bonnie, Etc. I ate fries at lunch and it was delicious, Christy couldn’t finish her fries and she was going to throw it away. So I ate it and I was super full, but after lunch I had pe. Good thing it I didn’t have to run much because it was a big game. Well after pe I have Mr. Sutherland’s class and it was interesting because he showed us a lady with fake legs. We have to write a reflection on what we thought about what we would change. After school I turned in my Algebra 2 homework packet, I did all of my work. Then Kyle and I went to quickly at Fruitvale to meet up with some of my friends. We sat there and drank some Asian drinks and watched them play “Call of Duty”. I noticed that when the guys play it, they stand like right next to the television. Well kyle wanted to leave back to asti because we left our bags in Higashi’s room. We sat at the soccer field for a bit because they weren’t done. After we got our backpacks, I was going to go home. Instead I went to park street and went to Tapex with Ricky, M.R., Francis, Sohrab, Riccky’s cousin, and Jackie. It was fun, im glad I went with them. I end up coming home at like 9pm though. My mom isn’t mad at me, and im doing this blog really late. Im sitting here texting my friends Jessica, Christy, Vanson, and Cindy. Well Cindy stopped answering. Im on my itouch too, I use it for internet cause my mom always takes my laptop to watch her Asian dramas. I use facebook and aim on it, and sometimes play games when Im bored.

Friday, August 20, 2010

"Just Kidding" and "Ganging Up" from Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons

 13. When I was little I wasn't very popular. My friends would kick me and push me down the stairs. I never felt  like I never fitted in anywhere in school. My sisters wouldn't let me play hide and seek with them, so I was left out. I kept wanting to play with them and never gave up trying. I think people mostly bully each other because they think that it is funny or it makes them feel strong and confident. Some people don't know that they are hurting there peers. They beat up and say rude things to make them feel stronger because they don't fight back. People don't say sorry because they don't think they need too. Some people say "just kidding" so it doesn't make them look bad, so people think that they are not a bad person. People use that phrase to cover up the truth, "just kidding" is the same as saying "no offense". They say them so they can say the truth to someone and they don't want the person to get upset.