Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dear Cindy Jessica and Alisa,
You guys all have different things about you that makes you guys my best friend. I can joke around with all of you, you guys have different personalities that i enjoy hanging with. Cindy (ChunckyButt), met you in 4th grade at SEES. You're more serious now, but you always give me your truthful opinions when i ask you things. Most of our fun things are said in my other blog. Well we talk about clothes and style but we also talk about homework and different kinds of task. We have different types of style, but we still get along fine. I love your clothes, but it's not my style. You help me in homework sometimes a

Alisa (Lisa,Office Max, My Journal), met at NEA and only known you for a year. I bothered you, made faces at you, and jumped around in front of you. We ended up good friends. You are a calm, easily angered, and simple person, isn't very outgoing but i know in mind that you are very crazy. I know you watch peoples every move and question everything. I can talk to you about anything and you wont think I'm a freak or judge me. We have not talked lately because you don't go on Aim anymore. I still need to meet your cute little brother.

Jessica (Tall Skinny Girl), met at NEA last year. I remember when we started becoming friends and i was trying to teach you how to say fasho. We like to hang out at your house with Lisa. We would go ride your bikes to the park and run into poles. I don't know if I'm a bad influence, but get off you're lazy butt and do something fun. I love it when we i stay at your house until like ten at night because there is so much things to do at your house. Your parents make a lot of good food, especially the sushi.

We all haven't hung out a lot like we used to, but i guess we're moving on. We still talk to each other and hang out once in a while. I hope one day we will get to hang out again. I miss you all of you.

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