Friday, November 12, 2010

Saber's Post

I was looking through reader and found Saber's Post that I could relate too:

"I don't no why this is still happening to me. I am trying to do well in school but all I'm getting is bad grades. I don't know why. I am doing work but I'm still getting bad grades I am really losing my cool, I just want a good grade but I can't now I might get kicked out of A.S.T.I. but I don't want to. I want to stay so that I don't have to take 4 years of college. I want to make my father proud of me, I hate it when he compares me to other people like my brother who gets A's and B's which I hate so much when he compares me."

The same thing is happening to me too. I try to study, but when i study everything i study is not on the test or i just go blank. I do not know why the test are worth so much at ASTI because at my old schools they were not worth that much. I do not know what is happening with me either, makes me feel like such a failure because all the work and homework is easy, but i do not do good on test. It is just that is is so much easier to fail this school than the other school, i do not know why. It confuses me because I like it here too and i might get kicked out of ASTI too. So I know how you feel because my mom would go crazy with comparing and saying that i embarrass her and the family. It is bad enough that we get bad grades but they repeat it over and over. I guess it is a way for them to yell at us and have an excuse to yell at us or if we want to buy something they say it. Like when i ask my mom to go somewhere or buy something, she says that i need to go bring up my grades


  1. It sucks to fight against yourself. Part of you wants to achieve certain things, part of you can't be bothered. Figure out where and when that "split" actually happens and you will see more clearly. This may sound really cryptic and mysterious, but I assure you this is the best advice I can think of to give you. (I said more or less the same thing to Saber, too. Did you leave a comment on his blog that you wrote this? He might like to see it...)
