Friday, December 17, 2010

The Coldest Winter ever #3

The last discussion today was about the third section of the book. I do not think much happened in the third section, but still drama did happen. What happened to far was that Santiaga still has not gotten out of jail. But instead of staying in a jail close to winter. For some reason they moved him farther away so it is harder for Winter to visit Santiaga. They do not even mention about her sisters anymore and barely about the mom. They did mention the mom when Winter said she saw a ninety pound crack head and then she noticed that it was her mom. I thought that that was just so skinny because i am already over ninety pounds, but ruby says that is what crack can do to you. Well we also discussed why Winter is not focused on her family anymore.

I think that she is not focused on her family anymore because she is focusing on herself first and get her life going and then after help her family. Or that she thinks that there is no point of helping her family anymore because her dad can not be proved not guilty because the popo have so much evidence that keeps Santiaga in jail. The Popo has been watching there family to long, they have all of the drug dealers that worked for Santiaga. The mom is already a drug addict and it would be so hard to fix that.

I guess she does not care for her sisters that much anymore because she can not support the kids all by herself and has no time to worry about her sisters. Even though she is dating Bullet now. Before i thought that Bullet was just trying to play her and make himself look good while being with her, But he actually thinks that she is a wise woman the should be treated right. For her birthday he brought her all the way to Florida just to have dinner. He seems like a Good guy, for now. But i wonder if he would end up like Santiaga cheating on her mom. Well that is all i remember about my discussion today.

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