Friday, October 22, 2010


During the Halo cause Memoir "Night", Elizer a the author and main character, his dad are forced to go to a concentration camp. They get tortured by the Nazis because of their religion. The Nazis tries to make Elizer go against his dad. By the end of the story, The dad dies and Elizer could not do anything to help his dad stay alive. The conflict of this story is that just because Nazis do not like Jewish People, they wanted to make them work for them or kill them.

The Nazis are taking them away from the place that they live, "He came back at eight o' clock. Good News: it wasn't today that we were leaving the town... At nine o' clock, the scene begins all over again. The policeman with truncheons yelling: All Jews outside." (pg.16)He and his family was being taken away from where they live even though they do not wanna go. He and his family was not ready to leave the house yet. Elizer saw his dad cry for the first time when they were being taken away from their house that they have been living in their entire life. They are Frightened while this is happening because they have never experienced this before.

When Elizer looks around, he saw everybody looking scared when they were trapped in the room. As he looks around, "we has a woman with us named Madame Schacter. She was about in her fifties; her ten year old son was with her, crouched in the corner Her husband and two eldest son had been deported with the first transport by mistake. The separation had completely broken her" (PG. 22) When i read this part of the book it makes me feel sad that she has been separated from her husband and does not know where he is and he could die with out her knowing. This is the worst thing that anyone could do to one another, just because of their religion.

Elizer already had one night there. This is what he thought, "Never Shall i forget that night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall i forget that smoke. Never shall i forget the little faces of the children whose bodies i saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky" (pg.32) He Can not take watching all these kids get burned and killed. It is so horrible and torturing that he can not ever forget what he has seen. Seems like he could have felt the pain that the children were going through." (pg. 60) I witnessed others hanging. I never saw a single one of those victims weep. For a long time those dried up bodies had forgotten the bitter last taste of tears." They probably felt that there was no point of crying because they could not do anything about it to change the fact that they are being killed. They did not want to put up with anymore torture, so they seemed like they were ready to die and restart a new life over again.

By the end of the story, the father does not get killed by the Nazis. He dies of sickness, I think his body was tired and did not want to go through anymore pain and torture. So his body shut down on him. Leaving his son there sad watching him die. But the Nazis told him that there was nothing that he could do to save his father from dying. Elizer thought that if there was a God out there, he should be saving his dad instead of him. So Elizer is having doubts about his religion.

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