Friday, October 1, 2010

Kyle Salter


I was Reading blogs and this sounded like a interesting topic to talk about, "I had the best time in a long time tonight at my music class. I feel proud of what I can do, something I love. I felt like I was flying, high above Starland, high above Alameda. I could even see into Oakland, if you get what I mean. I just felt awesome. A superfluous sensory judgement warranted of an exclamatory response~! I knew i would go to bed tonight not worrying about what I had to do to make my life better, what I had to do to make tomorrow count the most as it can for my future. A kind of inconcievable joy that can only be describe by laughing out loud."

I agree that when you are doing what you love, it feels like heaven and does not even feel like you are teaching someone something. Playing music can take you to another world, "Music world". Makes you feel like you are flying across the world because the notes that you play are just so amazing that you want to jump around like crazy and dance. It is like a drug that never goes away when you are playing. Going to sleep, not Worrying about a thing can make you have a nice beautiful sleep and have nice dreams. Waking up and busy thinking about your future is good too, so you are aware of what is coming at you. Being worried about a lot of things can be a good thing at time because when you are worried for someone, it just means you care. It does not mean you are a freak. Just keep living your life, i am sure that happiness will always be with you and never go away. Sometimes sadness will be there too, but Happiness will always beat sadness and make everything go away and you will feel much better at the end. When you die, i know you will die as a happy man because you fulfill your life with many adventures. I liked how something so simple can make the words you say here so deep.

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