Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bianca's Post

Bianca re blogged this, but i do have to agree with this:

"Is taking drugs worth it to look cool? Well, first of all, drugs can give someone cancer, some of which consist of emphysema (lung disease) and heart disease. These are longtime illnesses that can not be cured; one minute someone is happily smoking a cigarette, and the next minute, they are hooked up to an oxygen machine 24/7 and unable to leave their house. Every week, they will need chemotherapy to help them get better; but be aware that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, it only suppresses it. In Andy's post, he also talks about how people are peer pressured into taking drugs. Through peer pressure, people get the feeling that if they do not follow the crowd, then they are not as cool as the other people. It seems crazy to just think that for a moment of coolness could actually cost someone their life. So, to conclude, I do not feel that being seen as cool by other people is enough motivation to take drugs. (Not that I would for any other reason!)"

I am always curious Why do people do drugs to look good? i am just guessing that they do drugs to keep up with the style. I have noticed peoples style are the same and they do the same things. Only some people choose to make a wiser choice to not do drugs. some people can be stressed over what they do or what is going on in there life and do drugs to keep them calm. That is what stress balls are made for. They should give it out for free to stop the people that do drugs just for stress. Just by doing that, it'll probably bring down the amount of people that does drugs. I do not think people should worry about why people do drugs. They should worry about how to stop it because i am pretty sure no one wants there friends to die just because of a stupid choice/reason. I do not think therapy works, they just want people to think that it works so they can get money.

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