Friday, January 14, 2011

My Day (:

Today started off as a pretty boring day. I had school as usual. This time i was not very tired like i usually am. Biology was sort of fun, Algebra 2 we had a sub again. i wonder where ms.mccoy is. she's been out for two days so far.Then i had writing2 class, i always have to pee when it comes to this class though. i do not know why. i did all my homework today and i was proud of myself. Then we had lunch, but i did not eat lunch because i had a interact meeting and we played a game. It was fun because when they told us to tell our partner our favorite memory, i told Christy she is my favorite moment. I am smooth. After lunch i had PE and since it was Friday, we had free time. i love free time cause you can do anything you want. me, Christy, and Kristine walked one round around the field once then i played this game with a ball and the stick and you hit it through the hole.

it was fun until i started to lose and i quit to go lay on the floor. i ate chips and i choked on it and i think some went in my nose. well after that i had English class and we read in class and then did our poster thing. After school is when the fun starts because i finally got to meet my friend jessica, i have not met her in like a month. we hung out at quickly are fruitvale and then went to chill at our friend justins house. after that we took bus to leave and went to Quickly in Alameda to get food. i ran into my friend Patrick. Later jessica was in the mood for KFC so we walked to there. we both ate two chickens and mash potato and coleslaw. we Drank a lot of soda because it was free refill. Later her mom took me home and my mom brought me to go get more quicklys because she wanted some. Right now i am drink the quickly and sitting here on facebook and texting and listening to music while doing this blog.

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