Friday, January 14, 2011

Elite Colleges

When we were in English class Mr. Sutherland made us read these things that people wrote about colleges. There was seven different stories and they were really long. He gave us this paper to fill out too. i thought that it was pretty hard to concentrate on trying to read all those essays in class. It shows me what were the important things about going to colleges and it showed me the good and pointless things also. Since we go to Asti then of course college is something that we really care about. We are mostly trying to get into a good college. I think that the college you go to is based on the studies that you do. But to go to a Elite college we should be known as a smart person. I Think going to a good College puts a lot of pressure on the high school students to try to get into a good college. i do not think that all people that graduate from a Elite college ends up having a good career.

I just think that if you go to a Elite college you have a bigger opportunity of getting to be what you want to be and you mostly know what you are aiming for. Like if you go to a regular community college, you have so many different jobs you can do. but going to a Elite college it is like you are more focused on reaching for the goal that you want to me. Some people think that the pressure is to much and give up right away before they even have the chance of trying to do what they want because they are lazy. Sometimes being lazy just is not good. You have to pick up the slack to be what you want to be. you can not just expect what you want to be thrown at you with a good job because you want it to. You have to try more than nothing to get it. Life is more complicated than people think, but sometimes life is easier than you think. Our minds confuse us sometimes, you just always gotta believe in yourself.

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