Friday, December 17, 2010

Cindy's post about Christy's post

i Saw Cindy's re blog about Christy's blog and i knew i could relate to this

"Like Christy, I miss my middle school too... sometimes.
Somethings I do NOT miss are:
Uniforms. I hated tucking in my shirt.
What I DO miss:
After school. We would always buy ICEEs at the corner store, sour gummy worms, and get this Lucas ice cream. The ice cream was so good. Then we'd go to the roof of the Chavez library and eat there. I didn't have to worry about going home to do homework."

Cindy and me went to the same Middle school and we were like best friends with a whole bunch of friends. When i think back to middle school, i actually do miss it. The teachers probably thought we were high and always getting in trouble. i Actually think that we were living our life to the fullest. i remember having a random water fight in art class with Eric and i got kicked out of class and sent to the principles office and i was playing on a kindergartens chair sliding down the hallway by myself,and Climbing lockers, and climbing lockers.

This brings back so much memories. I am just afraid that we are growing up to fast. Middle school was just two years ago then now i am just two years away from graduation. I am actually scared, I want to stop life for a moment. That is actually why i am more focused on having fun right now. Seventh grade was a blast too. Two new teachers, Everybody knew what that means. One teacher was a push over and it was like a party everyday in class. "According to my calculations, we have to get off the table" - Jessica Mata. People threw books out the window and I remember throwing gummy bears around the classroom in science class.

I just got sent out the class so much... that is not a good thing but yeah it is fine. The teachers always irritated me at Saint Liz but the people just brings me joy. I also do miss the icee store and gummy worm stores too. We ate so much food at the Chavez library and yeah we did not do our homework there because we did it all the next day even though it was due that day. Amazingly we got it done.

The Coldest Winter ever #3

The last discussion today was about the third section of the book. I do not think much happened in the third section, but still drama did happen. What happened to far was that Santiaga still has not gotten out of jail. But instead of staying in a jail close to winter. For some reason they moved him farther away so it is harder for Winter to visit Santiaga. They do not even mention about her sisters anymore and barely about the mom. They did mention the mom when Winter said she saw a ninety pound crack head and then she noticed that it was her mom. I thought that that was just so skinny because i am already over ninety pounds, but ruby says that is what crack can do to you. Well we also discussed why Winter is not focused on her family anymore.

I think that she is not focused on her family anymore because she is focusing on herself first and get her life going and then after help her family. Or that she thinks that there is no point of helping her family anymore because her dad can not be proved not guilty because the popo have so much evidence that keeps Santiaga in jail. The Popo has been watching there family to long, they have all of the drug dealers that worked for Santiaga. The mom is already a drug addict and it would be so hard to fix that.

I guess she does not care for her sisters that much anymore because she can not support the kids all by herself and has no time to worry about her sisters. Even though she is dating Bullet now. Before i thought that Bullet was just trying to play her and make himself look good while being with her, But he actually thinks that she is a wise woman the should be treated right. For her birthday he brought her all the way to Florida just to have dinner. He seems like a Good guy, for now. But i wonder if he would end up like Santiaga cheating on her mom. Well that is all i remember about my discussion today.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What I Dont Understand....? O_o

Since time changed, it gets darker faster now. When i hang out with friends today it was only 5:30Pm and it got dark already. I like the darkness because it makes me more happier to run around in the streets at night. What i do not like about it is that my mom might make me come home earlier. Before I came home like around nine or ten and today she called me at six saying she is going to pick me up. Time just feels so fast now and life is coming at me faster than ever. Sometimes i like it, but sometimes i kind of want time to just stop for me to catch up in life.

I feel kind of lost because my mom told me the older you get the fast life comes at you. I spend most of my days listening to music, watching TV, doing homework, and sleeping. I only hang out with friends at school and sometimes after school. I think friends and clothes are what makes me happy now. Especially food because of the deliciousness. Shoes are the best thing that makes me happy, I love a lot of shoes and i want more. But my mom says i have to much already, i do not think i have a lot because when i wear shoes to school i mostly wear my black and white vans, boots, and black and gray Nike. I do not understand why open toed shoes are bad at school. Last year i wore open toed shoes and nothing bad happened to me.

Are some people afraid of toes? Dogs like to stare at weird things. like my dog likes to stare at flies. I am bored. My sister just punched the bed. she gets mad easily too. i do not know what to do with her sometimes. she has anger issues. i hope she does not read this well my brother talks to much. why does not he just shut up. i tell him to shut up but he does not listen. i keep laughing at the song Boats and Hoes on Step Brothers that i watched. That movie has to be the funniest movie ever.

The Coldest Winter Ever #2

In our discussion for the coldest winter ever, the discussion wasn't as great as the first one because more drama happened in the first one. The second part was just showing us what she went threw to trying to live her life with out her parents there with her. Well her mom got out of jail and started living with her aunt and her sisters were taken away because they were underage. When the mom tried getting her back, they didn't give her back because they said that the mom didn't have a place to live and even if she did live with her aunt, there is not enough room in there for the kids. What we said that most shocked us was that when they were at the jail to meet Santiaga. They found another lady there to meet Santiaga too.

It figures out that Santiaga is just like all the other guys in Brooklyn, cheating on there wife. Her mom was mad at her aunt not letting her borrow her wig. So she shaved off all of her head. When Winter lives at her aunts house she gets taken away by the people to a Foster home. She messes with the Counselor saying how she masturbates to the sound of washing machine. It made me laugh when i read that part. Of course Winter hates being in a foster home. and she does not want to work. so she tries to make money without having to leave the foster home.

She calls up her friend Natalie to buy things for her and gets someone to pick it up for her. then she tries to help a fat girl in the foster home to buy the things to lure more people in to buy her things. In two weeks, she makes two thousand dollars. Doing this business inside the Foster home has to be a secret because it was not allowed in the Foster home. We think that her doing this, she would make enough money to help her when she leaves the foster home. Unless she gets caught then it would get her in big trouble. I need to read on more to understand what is going to happen to her.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bianca's Post

Bianca re blogged this, but i do have to agree with this:

"Is taking drugs worth it to look cool? Well, first of all, drugs can give someone cancer, some of which consist of emphysema (lung disease) and heart disease. These are longtime illnesses that can not be cured; one minute someone is happily smoking a cigarette, and the next minute, they are hooked up to an oxygen machine 24/7 and unable to leave their house. Every week, they will need chemotherapy to help them get better; but be aware that chemotherapy does not cure cancer, it only suppresses it. In Andy's post, he also talks about how people are peer pressured into taking drugs. Through peer pressure, people get the feeling that if they do not follow the crowd, then they are not as cool as the other people. It seems crazy to just think that for a moment of coolness could actually cost someone their life. So, to conclude, I do not feel that being seen as cool by other people is enough motivation to take drugs. (Not that I would for any other reason!)"

I am always curious Why do people do drugs to look good? i am just guessing that they do drugs to keep up with the style. I have noticed peoples style are the same and they do the same things. Only some people choose to make a wiser choice to not do drugs. some people can be stressed over what they do or what is going on in there life and do drugs to keep them calm. That is what stress balls are made for. They should give it out for free to stop the people that do drugs just for stress. Just by doing that, it'll probably bring down the amount of people that does drugs. I do not think people should worry about why people do drugs. They should worry about how to stop it because i am pretty sure no one wants there friends to die just because of a stupid choice/reason. I do not think therapy works, they just want people to think that it works so they can get money.

The Coldest Winter Ever #1

The book discussion was better than our other book before. This one basically talking nonstop. In the First hundred pages there was just so much drama happening. Our book discussion was talking about the beginning of the book until the first clip. In the beginning of the book Winter was talking about how good her life is. Basically she has everything that she could possibly want, Boys, Money, Clothes, Etc. She is spoiled by her father who is a drug dealer. She roams the streets like she owns the people there. Everybody is in Brooklyn knows her because of her dad.

If guys try to get at her, they would have to be cautious because her dad is always protecting her and would beat up anyone that treats her wrong. On the other hand, her mom is more open on what winter does. Winter's mom does not have a job because she says staying pretty takes a lot of time. In people’s eyes, they could say Winter has the perfect life. On her birthday, her dad gives her a picture. They move to Long island, even though Winter does not want to move. Her dad says you got to move around because of his business. They move into a big mansion. She misses Brooklyn so she tries to find ways to go back to visit. One day she lies to her parents, but when she comes back she sees that everything is gone. Her mom tells her that the police have arrested her father and took everything as evidence.

My Group was talking about how her dad could buy stuff even though there was no paper work for the house, cars, etc. We also talked about how this relates to life. There are drug dealers out there and life styles like this. But not all drug dealers can stick to one woman like Santiago can, and they are not as slick as him. It is more like a Too good to be true thing. People these days are running around on the streets living there life and not busy getting their education. The world has change to much focusing on how they appear to people. Winter lies to her friends just to impress them with what she has.