Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflective Essay

Over the few months, i basically wrote about what was on my mind and what I thought about it. Doing blogs for this semester was easy to do. Last year my school tried making us do blogs, but no one did them so they canceled it. i never thought it would be fun to write blogs about your own topic and not about a specific thing. I did new interesting topics that were easy to talk about and write a lot about that it would go over 300. Cindy gave me the idea of doing the topics from the 30 day challenge. Reading other peoples blogs, they wrote subject that i never thought about writing. I just never thought that I would we writing letters to my best friend or even my crush right now.

Even doing the essays I put a lot of time into doing it. I thought it was kind of hard to Blogging helps me write what is on my mind and how i feel about the situation. Even having to write about specific topics give me a chances to express my topics on what my own opinion is on them. It is like a place to keep your thoughts that anyone can read and know what is on my mind. The best thing about writing a blog is that you can say anything you want even though it is stupid and important things. I have learned to like blog more than I did before. I used to think there was no point and a waste of my time, but now I think that it is fun. Even though i have writers block sometimes. But i learned to get over that. I also liked doing reblog because i can also write my opinions on other peoples topics too. Like kyle's....

"I had the best time in a long time tonight at my music class. I feel proud of what I can do, something I love. I felt like I was flying, high above Starland, high above Alameda. I could even see into Oakland, if you get what I mean. I just felt awesome. A superfluous sensory judgement warranted of an exclamatory response~! I knew i would go to bed tonight not worrying about what I had to do to make my life better, what I had to do to make tomorrow count the most as it can for my future. A kind of inconcievable joy that can only be describe by laughing out loud."

While reading this it was very interesting for me because before i did not know that music made kyle feel this great. So I wrote about how music can make not just kyle, but also others to feel this great about music. Not only music can do this, but also art and dancing can make people feel this great. Everybody has there own talent that makes them feel like they are in heaven. It made me know that a guy should never treat me wrong, and if they do then I should not even be with them because no one should never be treated a way that makes them feel like they are not comfortable.

In class the teacher showed us a blog that amazed me the most especially how it was coming from a guy. Like her understood how girls should be treats and how bad the the guys do not understand how to treat them and end up treating them wrong. Like the power of strength they have to control the girls and make them do what they want them to do. He is right, girls should never be pressured into sex and guys only want to have sex to improve there reputation. Ferman posting this up was very interesting in how he thought about it and typed in every detail how it works.

"Another thing that guys do when they are in a relationship is that they try to pressure their girlfriend to have sex. Guys have nothing to lose. If anything, a guy’s reputation is improved by having sex, at least in the eyes of his friends. For example, something that they would say is "kool man you finally hit that. So are you going to dump the chick?" On the other hand, girls have many more consequences to face if something goes wrong. They can get STDs so as the guy and get pregnant. And a girl’s reputation is much more at stake if she has sex and people find out about it. rumors will be spread and she will be called a hoe, or a slut. She will not only get sex but also might be dumped,. If she gets pregnant, she might abort the baby which is wrong to do."

My first reblog was on Cindy's post. When i read it, it made me laugh so much just reading it. The memories we had from so a long time ago. It showed me that we have gone through so much together as best friends. And it made me miss the past with all the friends we had and when we all hung out everywhere that we could possibly go.

"In 8th grade you were in my class right? where did we go that year? it seemed like we went to a lot of places after school. we went to quickly. at that time they were making the quickly near school. finally when they are done with it, we don't go there anymore. Okay! now freshmen year, you went to nea, i went to asti. i went to your house every few weeks and ate your food. We went to San Francisco and Hayward. and other places that i cant think of. ...i don't know what else to say for freshman year. Now, we both go to asti. we only have one period together. i hope that the classes get switched up for the 2nd semester. i don't think that will happen. Now i will IM you to tell you i put up the 30 day challenge."

Friday, October 22, 2010


During the Halo cause Memoir "Night", Elizer a the author and main character, his dad are forced to go to a concentration camp. They get tortured by the Nazis because of their religion. The Nazis tries to make Elizer go against his dad. By the end of the story, The dad dies and Elizer could not do anything to help his dad stay alive. The conflict of this story is that just because Nazis do not like Jewish People, they wanted to make them work for them or kill them.

The Nazis are taking them away from the place that they live, "He came back at eight o' clock. Good News: it wasn't today that we were leaving the town... At nine o' clock, the scene begins all over again. The policeman with truncheons yelling: All Jews outside." (pg.16)He and his family was being taken away from where they live even though they do not wanna go. He and his family was not ready to leave the house yet. Elizer saw his dad cry for the first time when they were being taken away from their house that they have been living in their entire life. They are Frightened while this is happening because they have never experienced this before.

When Elizer looks around, he saw everybody looking scared when they were trapped in the room. As he looks around, "we has a woman with us named Madame Schacter. She was about in her fifties; her ten year old son was with her, crouched in the corner Her husband and two eldest son had been deported with the first transport by mistake. The separation had completely broken her" (PG. 22) When i read this part of the book it makes me feel sad that she has been separated from her husband and does not know where he is and he could die with out her knowing. This is the worst thing that anyone could do to one another, just because of their religion.

Elizer already had one night there. This is what he thought, "Never Shall i forget that night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall i forget that smoke. Never shall i forget the little faces of the children whose bodies i saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky" (pg.32) He Can not take watching all these kids get burned and killed. It is so horrible and torturing that he can not ever forget what he has seen. Seems like he could have felt the pain that the children were going through." (pg. 60) I witnessed others hanging. I never saw a single one of those victims weep. For a long time those dried up bodies had forgotten the bitter last taste of tears." They probably felt that there was no point of crying because they could not do anything about it to change the fact that they are being killed. They did not want to put up with anymore torture, so they seemed like they were ready to die and restart a new life over again.

By the end of the story, the father does not get killed by the Nazis. He dies of sickness, I think his body was tired and did not want to go through anymore pain and torture. So his body shut down on him. Leaving his son there sad watching him die. But the Nazis told him that there was nothing that he could do to save his father from dying. Elizer thought that if there was a God out there, he should be saving his dad instead of him. So Elizer is having doubts about his religion.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Dear Crush,

I never thought this would happen. You were the one to tell me you had a crush on me and ended up falling for you. Problems came that kept us apart so we could not make it official, but we are patient enough to wait. We went on with life and you were always the one to cheer with up. Every morning we text each other just to say, "have fun in school" and text every night to end up saying, "Goodnight".

When I see your face, I can not help but smile because you are just so cute. I like you because you can be the sweetest thing and also be a great friend that i can joke around with. Weeks have passed and our problems are over, everything is fine but we are still not official. You live kind of far away, so we barely get to see each other, but when we do, our friends are all around us. When we are alone, it feels like the whole entire world has stopped just for us.

You say Corny things that are sweet but make me laugh like crazy. I like how i can be comfortable around you, I can say the stupidest things and you would laugh at me. You stare at me and smile with the cutest smile ever. I Love when we try to speak Vietnamese with each other but never know what to say. We still have to go to the zoo and steal a animal. Going to JapanTown, StreetFest, and Jessica's House are the memories we have that i will never forget. When i laugh it feels like everything in my life is all fine, and you are the one to make me laugh every time we talk.

You do the Weirdest things that no person would ever do or most guys would not even have the guts to do. Usually guys like to mess with girls and move from girl to girl, but you are so innocent and I know i can that you are trustworthy. Even people may say i am to young, i want a relationship that can last and i am hoping you are the one. You know who you are.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kyle Salter


I was Reading blogs and this sounded like a interesting topic to talk about, "I had the best time in a long time tonight at my music class. I feel proud of what I can do, something I love. I felt like I was flying, high above Starland, high above Alameda. I could even see into Oakland, if you get what I mean. I just felt awesome. A superfluous sensory judgement warranted of an exclamatory response~! I knew i would go to bed tonight not worrying about what I had to do to make my life better, what I had to do to make tomorrow count the most as it can for my future. A kind of inconcievable joy that can only be describe by laughing out loud."

I agree that when you are doing what you love, it feels like heaven and does not even feel like you are teaching someone something. Playing music can take you to another world, "Music world". Makes you feel like you are flying across the world because the notes that you play are just so amazing that you want to jump around like crazy and dance. It is like a drug that never goes away when you are playing. Going to sleep, not Worrying about a thing can make you have a nice beautiful sleep and have nice dreams. Waking up and busy thinking about your future is good too, so you are aware of what is coming at you. Being worried about a lot of things can be a good thing at time because when you are worried for someone, it just means you care. It does not mean you are a freak. Just keep living your life, i am sure that happiness will always be with you and never go away. Sometimes sadness will be there too, but Happiness will always beat sadness and make everything go away and you will feel much better at the end. When you die, i know you will die as a happy man because you fulfill your life with many adventures. I liked how something so simple can make the words you say here so deep.