Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dear Cindy Jessica and Alisa,
You guys all have different things about you that makes you guys my best friend. I can joke around with all of you, you guys have different personalities that i enjoy hanging with. Cindy (ChunckyButt), met you in 4th grade at SEES. You're more serious now, but you always give me your truthful opinions when i ask you things. Most of our fun things are said in my other blog. Well we talk about clothes and style but we also talk about homework and different kinds of task. We have different types of style, but we still get along fine. I love your clothes, but it's not my style. You help me in homework sometimes a

Alisa (Lisa,Office Max, My Journal), met at NEA and only known you for a year. I bothered you, made faces at you, and jumped around in front of you. We ended up good friends. You are a calm, easily angered, and simple person, isn't very outgoing but i know in mind that you are very crazy. I know you watch peoples every move and question everything. I can talk to you about anything and you wont think I'm a freak or judge me. We have not talked lately because you don't go on Aim anymore. I still need to meet your cute little brother.

Jessica (Tall Skinny Girl), met at NEA last year. I remember when we started becoming friends and i was trying to teach you how to say fasho. We like to hang out at your house with Lisa. We would go ride your bikes to the park and run into poles. I don't know if I'm a bad influence, but get off you're lazy butt and do something fun. I love it when we i stay at your house until like ten at night because there is so much things to do at your house. Your parents make a lot of good food, especially the sushi.

We all haven't hung out a lot like we used to, but i guess we're moving on. We still talk to each other and hang out once in a while. I hope one day we will get to hang out again. I miss you all of you.

Qfwfq's Accepting Himself

Through out the story, Qfwfq feels hated from others. He thinks that he is not cool enough for the people around him. People think that he is different, but by the end of the stories he learns to accept himself for who he is. Even though he is different, that is just the person he is and he can not change it.

Qfwfq do not like the way he is because the people around him do not treat him like others. When he did not fit in, people were probably making fun of him, "I could have sunk into the ground from shame." He is not confident because other people always make him feel like he is not good enough to fit in. He probably felt lonely because of the way he looked, "There hasn't been a dinosaur seen here since the day of our grandfathers' grandfather..." Sounds like he is old fashion since he could have the same style oh his great great grandfather. Through out this life he felt like he never fitted in.

He figured out that he is just like everyone else around him. "They all ha something, I know, that made me somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them." He also figures that he is very different from them also. "But the Dinosaur they imagined was too different from the Dinosaur I was and this thought made me even more different and timid." By the end he learned that it is better that he is not like everybody else because he does not want to be normal, but he still wants to have friends.

Since he never found someone that accepted him, instead he figured that he was better than others. He knew he could not live life while hating who he was all the time. "...I finally felt toward them the same intolerance i had had toward my own environment and more I heard them admiring the Dinosaurs the more I detested Dinosaurs and new ones alike" He sounds like he is finally learning how much people actually admired him. So he is starting to like the way he is. He figures that not everyone hated him and that made him realize that not everything about him is bad. "I realized I never thought about how we appeared to others, and that, among all the nonsense, those tales, here and there, from the narrators' point of view, had hit on the truth" He notices that everything that people say about him or all his Dinosaurs is the truthe

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cindy Tadeo

I find it interesting how we had so much memories that we can't explain it all. So i will add on more for the most i remember.

" In 8th grade you were in my class right? where did we go that year? it seemed like we went to a lot of places after school. we went to quickly. at that time they were making the quickly near school. finally when they are done with it, we don't go there anymore."

I remember us going to quickly with Eric and Yesenia. We would be lazy and take bus and Bart when we don't want to stand near stinky people on bus 1. We would dance on the Bart to the cameras and hang on Bars. "why am i cricked" (inside joke). We would go to the quickly at Fruivale as they build it and stand there while eating carrots. I miss eighth grade, we went like everywhere we could possibly go and walked so much. We never hated to walk a lot because we wanted to explore around. Walking to Kevin's house was a killer but it was fun going to his house and you gave his big teddy bear CPR because you accidentally dropped him. We played dress up and at Juan's house too. Going to Leo's house at like ten at night because you had to go pee and we got stuck in Chinatown and your mom had to bring us home. We were in the same class and sat next to Julius, he was so funny. I accidentally spitted in his eye while I was saying a joke and he spitted back into my eye. We got in trouble a lot in eighth grade because we didn't listen to the teachers much, well I didn't. The teachers thought we were high because we were to crazy, I think they wonder how hyped we can get by not eating sugar or anything. During Algebra class we would play with rubric cubes while Mr. Chalky thought we were playing puppets and slide on the floor cause of what we saw on youtube. We don't hang out as much as we used to. :( We grew up so much. I hope one day we can hang out like crazy again and stay out late. We still got to go shopping.

My Day(:

My day was great starting from lunch and after, I had lunch with Christy ,Jessica, Ashili, Bonnie, Etc. I ate fries at lunch and it was delicious, Christy couldn’t finish her fries and she was going to throw it away. So I ate it and I was super full, but after lunch I had pe. Good thing it I didn’t have to run much because it was a big game. Well after pe I have Mr. Sutherland’s class and it was interesting because he showed us a lady with fake legs. We have to write a reflection on what we thought about what we would change. After school I turned in my Algebra 2 homework packet, I did all of my work. Then Kyle and I went to quickly at Fruitvale to meet up with some of my friends. We sat there and drank some Asian drinks and watched them play “Call of Duty”. I noticed that when the guys play it, they stand like right next to the television. Well kyle wanted to leave back to asti because we left our bags in Higashi’s room. We sat at the soccer field for a bit because they weren’t done. After we got our backpacks, I was going to go home. Instead I went to park street and went to Tapex with Ricky, M.R., Francis, Sohrab, Riccky’s cousin, and Jackie. It was fun, im glad I went with them. I end up coming home at like 9pm though. My mom isn’t mad at me, and im doing this blog really late. Im sitting here texting my friends Jessica, Christy, Vanson, and Cindy. Well Cindy stopped answering. Im on my itouch too, I use it for internet cause my mom always takes my laptop to watch her Asian dramas. I use facebook and aim on it, and sometimes play games when Im bored.