Friday, January 28, 2011

Mini Essay

We did a George Orwell essay in class and i remember the name George Orwell in Corbally's class too.
Most people who try to say something about the English language would most likely say that the English language is always used in a bad way. But with the bad language, we can not do anything about it because most people do not care of the proper grammar. Our civilization is based on the our language so people argue a lot about the general collapsing. It also says that if you use the language in a bad way then it is a sentimental archaism. Like candles to a electric like or cabs instead of planes. We are changing the style of the English language over time. Now it is easier to creative some immature thoughts about the world. They are saying because the world has changed over time the writing has changed and the image about the people have changed also.

He says that underneath the lies and half conscious belied that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes. It kind of tells me that people are busy hiding behind the image that people expect them to me, which that if they are not hiding then the world would not be changing and everything would stay the same. The way we think and the way we act are not as mature as the world used to be in the history. We have grown to not care about the world much and mostly care about ourself. we have grown to be selfish and work on our appearance to each other. It is never wrong to fight back to the people and we should not be concerned about what they might think or do to us. We should always fight for what we want.

People have grown to be afraid of the politics and some that are not use violence to get what they want. I think that is should be changed to where we still have the people hear what we want to say but also no crime and violence involved in the things we fight for. The world has been messed up and needs to be fixed, but it is not a easy thing to fix because no one likes to listen anymore. They just do what they want to do. From my experience and what i have seen, Before we knew what we wanted and when we wanted it we would try to get it no matter what. Like all the people in the country work together to fight what they believe in. Now a days we rely on that one person which is the president. We expect him to hear all of what we want to say and he will fix it. People think that since he is the top of the United states it should be all of his choices. If people want what they want, they should it themselves instead of being lazy and complaining later after it turns out wrong. We have grown to learn how to use the language wrong and be lazy and selfish. Soon this country will die if we do not fix things.

I think we are trying to fix things, but it is not working as well as we thought it would because not as much people are participating to help change the world. I kind of think that it is to late to do anything, and it may be a reason why they say we are going to die by 2012. I think that the world will not die at 2012 but it would last just a bit longer. Until the thing that we have done to the economic kill us. So basically, it is us killing ourselves over time and not really thinking wisely about our choices.


I Disagree with Marco and Agree on what Amber has to say. I think that Teens should not be allowed to vote because when we are teenagers, we are most likely to make mistakes. And just by a simple vote that teenagers make can cause a big problem to the world. Some teens do not things as serious as Adults do. Not all Adult are mature either, but i just think it is a less percentage of making a mistake with teens voting. The world right now without teens voting is already a big problem on the economics. I just think that if you put more teens in it, the problem could be worse. I know that some teens would like to be heard by what they think and to me that is a good idea.

But they just have to wait for their appropriate age to be heard. Adults these days do not even like to listen on the teens opinion on what they want to say. So it would not be much of a difference if they try to speak now. I think that there would just be more arguments going on to people around the world. If they change it to allow teens could vote, then in the future they might even think about making kids vote. and that is already bad enough. Kids these days are growing up to fast and still sometimes do not make wise choices because they are still growing up and need a lot to learn. Some people may complain but i just do not think that it is right.

I do agree with Marco that voting is a big deal, but we might not think of how big it is. but actually they are a lot of teens out there and even a big group of teens or a small group of teens can cause a big difference in the economic and causing it to go bad. When it goes bad then it would be hard to fix after years and years. Even though now i may want to vote just like any other teens would, but if i was aloud to vote, i do not think i would

Friday, January 21, 2011

Political power

When we had a sub we had to write about the question they had on the board. It was hard for me to write about this book because i do not really like things about politics much. i mean i like to be updated with things that are going on, but i can not be in these political fights because it would not interest me at all. All i know is that Obama is president and some Asian lady is Major. i Head she was a good major too. There are problem with taxes rising and everyone wants it down. i may not understand why it is so hard to lower the taxes but it might be a problem if you do it just so fast. i am guessing that if you do it fast then a lot of problems can happen to the world and more fights could start. We do not want that to happen, so i will just wait until the economy gets betters. Do the people know what they are doing to the economy?

Well i guess that it is pretty hard to run a country this big. because one little decision can cause a big problem and it would be hard to fix. but i think that before someone becomes president they should already have a plan on how to fix everything that they want to fix before it gets messed up again. it may take years, but i think that it would make the country much better. Perfection takes time, but i also think that the republican is making it even harder for us trying to get what we want too. The republican is to busy focusing on the rich people when the poor people actually need the help much more than the rich people. George Orwell is just relating the world into his book but using animals to represent is. It is showing us how we treat and work the country. Well i have not read that far yet. so i do not know what else would happen in the book. but i hope that everything turns out fine.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Shiyun's Post

Reading Shiyun's post and i agreed with it....

"I think that it is not largely their fault that they think that way. It is usually because of our culture and how we judge people. I don't blame people that want to be skinny just to fit in. I think I kind of understand how they feel, although I have never went through this experience before. I think that the most important thing that I need is believe in myself. I don't have to look like the other kids and I am very proud of that. If no one likes me for who I am, it doesn't really matter because if I like myself, that is all I need. I think that people are going through this major problem because of judgment and the circumstances we are looked up to."

I agree that people only want to be a way because of the people around them. Not everyone is nice, but that is the way life is. Everyone says be yourself and i agree that you should. But it also is kind of hard for people to be them self because there people out there that likes to talk shit about people. Some people talk shit about others just to make them self feel better or they think that they are better. but i wonder that when people talk about other people, is it because they are jealous or because they always think that they are better than them. I am not saying that i do not talk about people, but not much. When i talk about people i say what i like and sometimes it is the stuff that i do not get about them.

I am not saying it as a bad thing. but i am just curious about a lot of things around me. People may call it stupid, but it is just my observations that i see and question about it. People become more independently when they grow up because they start learning more who they are. Judging people are the people that lead other people to be fake. Then they just end up getting made more fun of.

Elite Colleges

When we were in English class Mr. Sutherland made us read these things that people wrote about colleges. There was seven different stories and they were really long. He gave us this paper to fill out too. i thought that it was pretty hard to concentrate on trying to read all those essays in class. It shows me what were the important things about going to colleges and it showed me the good and pointless things also. Since we go to Asti then of course college is something that we really care about. We are mostly trying to get into a good college. I think that the college you go to is based on the studies that you do. But to go to a Elite college we should be known as a smart person. I Think going to a good College puts a lot of pressure on the high school students to try to get into a good college. i do not think that all people that graduate from a Elite college ends up having a good career.

I just think that if you go to a Elite college you have a bigger opportunity of getting to be what you want to be and you mostly know what you are aiming for. Like if you go to a regular community college, you have so many different jobs you can do. but going to a Elite college it is like you are more focused on reaching for the goal that you want to me. Some people think that the pressure is to much and give up right away before they even have the chance of trying to do what they want because they are lazy. Sometimes being lazy just is not good. You have to pick up the slack to be what you want to be. you can not just expect what you want to be thrown at you with a good job because you want it to. You have to try more than nothing to get it. Life is more complicated than people think, but sometimes life is easier than you think. Our minds confuse us sometimes, you just always gotta believe in yourself.

My Day (:

Today started off as a pretty boring day. I had school as usual. This time i was not very tired like i usually am. Biology was sort of fun, Algebra 2 we had a sub again. i wonder where ms.mccoy is. she's been out for two days so far.Then i had writing2 class, i always have to pee when it comes to this class though. i do not know why. i did all my homework today and i was proud of myself. Then we had lunch, but i did not eat lunch because i had a interact meeting and we played a game. It was fun because when they told us to tell our partner our favorite memory, i told Christy she is my favorite moment. I am smooth. After lunch i had PE and since it was Friday, we had free time. i love free time cause you can do anything you want. me, Christy, and Kristine walked one round around the field once then i played this game with a ball and the stick and you hit it through the hole.

it was fun until i started to lose and i quit to go lay on the floor. i ate chips and i choked on it and i think some went in my nose. well after that i had English class and we read in class and then did our poster thing. After school is when the fun starts because i finally got to meet my friend jessica, i have not met her in like a month. we hung out at quickly are fruitvale and then went to chill at our friend justins house. after that we took bus to leave and went to Quickly in Alameda to get food. i ran into my friend Patrick. Later jessica was in the mood for KFC so we walked to there. we both ate two chickens and mash potato and coleslaw. we Drank a lot of soda because it was free refill. Later her mom took me home and my mom brought me to go get more quicklys because she wanted some. Right now i am drink the quickly and sitting here on facebook and texting and listening to music while doing this blog.