Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #3

This class discussion was the best that we had so far says Mr. Sutherland and i agree that it was the best. This book was confusing and never changed from being confusing, but it did get less confusing. Yolanda does change through out the book but i was kind of agreeing with kyle that maybe Yolanda did not change that much. Like maybe that is who she was really is on the inside and when she came to America she finally got to show how she really is on the inside. This is more like a question that can never be answered because we do not know Yolanda like that.

Like did she really change when went to America or was she already like that? Lots of people in class have there own opinions on what they think about the book. The kitten part in the story gave me a real shock too. I knew exactly that the Kitten could represent Yolanda and her sisters. Like saying that The kitten are sent away from there mothers like Yolanda and her sisters were sent away from there mothers to go to America. There lives changed because comparing the Dominican Republic is really different from America. They probably have an unexpected feeling because she was sent to America so unexpectedly. She was probably shocked and did not know what to feel. I am Guessing that since the tittle is "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" Maybe they did not really loose there accents, They actually mean they lost there innocence. I do not think that she lost her innocence from just experiencing the world more.

It is also about loosing the things that she had. like she had her mom before and her family, but going to America she lost that and mostly had to rely on herself to help her grow up in life. "Kittens die faster when they don't have their mom" That can effect her while growing up too because she was not fully grown when she was sent away and just learns everything on her own. I do not think the topic of this book was open to the other things much.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Saber's Post

I was looking through reader and found Saber's Post that I could relate too:

"I don't no why this is still happening to me. I am trying to do well in school but all I'm getting is bad grades. I don't know why. I am doing work but I'm still getting bad grades I am really losing my cool, I just want a good grade but I can't now I might get kicked out of A.S.T.I. but I don't want to. I want to stay so that I don't have to take 4 years of college. I want to make my father proud of me, I hate it when he compares me to other people like my brother who gets A's and B's which I hate so much when he compares me."

The same thing is happening to me too. I try to study, but when i study everything i study is not on the test or i just go blank. I do not know why the test are worth so much at ASTI because at my old schools they were not worth that much. I do not know what is happening with me either, makes me feel like such a failure because all the work and homework is easy, but i do not do good on test. It is just that is is so much easier to fail this school than the other school, i do not know why. It confuses me because I like it here too and i might get kicked out of ASTI too. So I know how you feel because my mom would go crazy with comparing and saying that i embarrass her and the family. It is bad enough that we get bad grades but they repeat it over and over. I guess it is a way for them to yell at us and have an excuse to yell at us or if we want to buy something they say it. Like when i ask my mom to go somewhere or buy something, she says that i need to go bring up my grades

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Someone you Wish You Could Meet/ Life ;D

I want to meet a lot of people, but if there was one person, just one person that I get to meet. It would be Taeyang, he is a famous Korean singer. He used to be in a band called BigBang. I think he is the hottest guy in the world and he can sing. That is like the perfect guy right there. Lots of girls thinks he is hot and I do not want to be one of those girls that are obsessed with Famous people, but he is really cute.

I always wanted to meet Barney too because I think that he is very squishy and I want to hug him. I do not like his friends though because they get to hug him and I dont. I mean i do not Have to meet him, it would just be great if i did. I could die right now and be happy that I met people in life. I think that i could die right now and my life would be accomplished. My parents always tell me to focus on grades and studying, I would agree that I should and i am not saying it is bad. But i am more focused on living my life happily the way I want instead of stressing over things. I am a pretty laid back person that could care less about most things. It is complicated on what goes on in my head, but i do care about people. I focus on having fun more then my grades. I Know that is a bad thing and i would like my grades to be Good.

I just do not wanna die and in heaven when i am thinking back, I am just studying instead of going out to the world and exploring it. I love to explore the world because i like the experience different types of environments. I do not really like quiet neighborhoods because it is boring, I only like it to run down the streets screaming. My friends think I am crazy because I said I would rather live in Oakland than Alameda because it has more excitement. I slept at my friends house one night and it was exciting to see police cars a lot when I look out the Window. When I look out the window in Alameda, I just see cars/bus come by. I Think my family is Probably the loudest because my neighbors are quiet and my family likes to open there music up loud and we scream a lot. I do not know if they are the same and we just do not hear it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #2

Before I did not know what to write about, but in class when we had that group discussion. I noticed that since you showed us about the innocence that other people talked about in there blog. People are talking more about Yolanda and her innocence now. My group was talking about it and when we had an entire class discussion, I figured it was not just my group. Some other groups were talking about it too and other kinds of ways the resembles that Yolanda is slowly loosing her innocence. When I was listening, what Mostly i heard was that as life goes on for Yolanda in America that she experiences it more and looses her innocence.

I agree with everyone, But one think that amazed me the most that someone said in class that i never thought of before was that the more she lost her accent, the more she looses her innocence. That gave me a shock because I agreed with it but it would have never came to my mind about that. Yolanda seemed like a innocent girl before in the Dominican Republic, but America has changed her a lot because of how much the freedom she has now. I guess that everybody in Yolanda's family including her is learning how America is and how different America is towards the Dominican Republic. It made me interested in how she is going to change for the rest of the book. Like if she is going to go back the country or is she going to like America more then the Dominican Republic.

In the Book also says that Sofia looses respect from her father because of what she has been going through in her life.She brought some weed home and her mom found it and was sent to the Dominican Republic. I think she lost respect and trust from both of her parents when this happened. Moving from one environment to another can really change a person in the way they live there life or the way they act. Seems like more excitement has came into her life because before her family seemed like one of those rich snobs that acts sophisticated. After going to America it seems like she let herself more loose and lost control of herself.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How the Garcia Girls Lost there Accent #1

As I Been reading it was confusing as everyone said, but i kept reading it over and over and i think that Yolanda is just trying to find out who she really is during the book that i have read. She Does not fit in with her family because she left when she was young. This book was not the way i expected. I thought it was more like when Something happens to her country and she runs away to America and starts a whole new life, forgetting where she came from. It is nothing what i imagined. It is more like she left her family to go somewhere and came back and does not fit in anywhere. i Still do not understand why the guy would not expect for a woman not to be out late at night.

After many of years living in America, that made her different from what people remembered her as. So when she comes back to her homeland, she feels like she does not fit in with her family. If they have a tradition of all meeting up every year, But this year they changed it. The dad usually give them little bills in envelopes to them. Sofia was lucky that after running away from her father and a fight, she ended up with a good husband and a baby. I think Yolanda feels Kind of lost that it is hard to communicate with her family, especially the one she loves the most. After what happened to the Yolanda at the last chapter, she was scared because it. She would never think of sex the same way again.

I think she is frightened. Its get interesting by the end of this section because it goes more into what is happening in her life. She still seems kind of lost in what is going on in her life though. Sounds like she kind of looses control of herself and goes wild now. I think Yolanda feels like she is caught between two different worlds and does not know where to fit in. This story seems really deep to me and reading it just once, you would not understand it after reading it for a while.