Friday, March 4, 2011


The introduction piece on page 87 is about a mom telling a little girl not to ride her bike around the corner because she can not see her. But the little girl decided to fight back and say she will not fall. and as she rode the bike, she fell before she even got to the corner. I think that the point of this introduction piece is that when kids are little, they do not know much and the mother is always right about what they say. They try to control the kids just to protect them, but the kids think that they are better then what the parents say. So the little kids choose to do it anyways and that proves the kids wrong. I think when these happen to the kids, it makes the kids start the think that parents are always right.

And that is when parents start to get in control of their children's minds and brain wash them to do what they want them to do. It Kind of shows how parents sometime say things just for kids to listen to them and sometimes have no proof to show their kids that they should listen to their parents. Most kids think that their parents are right because it is their mom or dad and they must obey them. They should obey them because they are older but sometimes i just think its just not nessecary for them to like control their lifes to much. I think that when parents control their kids to much then the kids might think that it is okay for them to tell them what to do. Then Most likely the kids would turn out just like there parents and do the same thing to their kids. not giving them much freedom to explore the world like normal childrens should.

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