Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Connections Between people's Family story

The connections that i see through most of the peoples story is that they mostly came to America for a better life. Apparently some of them left because of different reasons. They wanted to have more money and have a wealthier life. many of them say that they used to be poor and did not have much money when they were back at their home land.

Like for a couple examples, Tiffany's"During the Vietnam war, my grandfather was a general. After hearing this, I was glad that he survived in the war. I heard he got hit by a bomb, but he survived it." and another one is from phuong’s blog "When I was a kid like you, I had nothing. I worked hard all day long in return for a scoop of ice-cream, not a bowl, but a spoonful. I had to challenge the other kids around my age just to be the best helper, to get a bigger portion. Vietnam is poor. I had to sneak to my neighbor's yard to listen to music. If I am lucky enough, I might be able to watch from the black and white television. Every little thing is gold to me. Everything is valuable. Nothing is wasted, nothing is lost. Competition is everywhere. Of course, it is not to see who looks better, it is to see who works harder and who is the most helpful."

A lot of them make it sound like they had really sad lifes back in their country. basically i mostly see that people are only leaving their countries because they are noticing that they should not be treated this way. It makes it sound like an American life is so much easier than a regular day like in Phuong's story of working just for a little ice cream. Life is better in America but it is also not the best. You may have more freedom and get a lot of money for the work you've done. but life is really tough over here also. of course everyone is glad that they got to be in America. Other countries are treating people like slaves and not carrying about how they treated them. Well the life style for my mom wasn't as same at Phuong's, my mom was more of the wealthy kind of type of people that was really smart and had anything you need to live. I can relate to Tiffany because my Grandfather was also a general. He died a long time ago though and i never got to meet him.

Friday, March 25, 2011

America or China lifestyle

The cyclical that goes on in this book is the way that her mom treats her daughter. The way that Tiger Mom treats her daughter is that she is always strict to her daughters. But in this book, it is kind of confusing. Sometimes she seems strict but at the same time she doesn't seem strict and it happens over and over through out the book. It shows from the view of the child and the mom. Most Chinese moms are real strict about grades and how the child should be. But in this book it often shows how the daughter is almost nothing like what a regular Chinese families would treat them. The different symbols that family teaches her can always keep her Chinese tradition in her even though she has been in America for most of her life. The way that her mom teaches her daughter to be a little more Chinese, then it could pass down to her grand child and great grand child.

And it can pass down to many more generation even though the mom will not alive to teach others. like in the chapter "double face" the mom is scared that her daughters Chinese would be dominated over by the American life style and would change her kids pop chips are good would change the history of the family. The Chinese family would change over time and then hello Charlie how are you, right now it is eleven fourty nine minute, not sure don't if I can finish this blog in eleven minutes. Lastly, Khanh, my cousin says hello to you. The people like to play mahjong's, and they enjoy with friends, trying to keep the tradition of the Chinese history in their family even though they moved to America.

The mom is afraid that since they moved to America, that the daughter would adapt to the American culture and forget about the importance of Chinese Culture. Even though the mother care about the daughter loosing interest in the Chinese culture, she did not really pay attention to how the daughter was changing as she grew up. In my view,the daughter became more Americanized and she began to start slacking off and dropped of college. That is the reason why how she dropped out of college is the opposite of what real Chinese parent would want their daughter to do. The only reason the mom would raise her in America and teaches the Chinese culture is that she wants her to have a better life and education and her mom also wants to spread the Chinese culture around. The mom would only teach her in English because what she wanted to teach her could not be thought in Chinese characters.

Friday, March 11, 2011

JLC post: Tan Vs. Chua

In the book “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan, I saw many similarities between the book and the article that was about over obsessive Asian mom's parenting that we had to read awhile back. One similarity that I saw is the high expectations of the mothers in the book compare to the one in the article. In the story “Two Kinds”, Jing-Mei Woo has a mother that has huge expectation for her:

“'Of course you can be prodigy too,' my mother told me when I was nine. You can be best anything. What does Aunt Lindo know? Her daughter she is only best tricky” (Page 132)

This show that competition has a lot to do with a mother's nature of parenting. The competition between Wavery's mother and Jing-Mei's mother is a competition to show whose daughter is better and is more successful. They use their daughter to represent themselves and show off. This is what I probably guess the main reason why Asian mothers act the way they do toward their daughters.

Another example of a similarity that I saw in both the book and the article is the relationship between the daughter and the mother. I think the daughter is tire of the mother's way of raising her which have been shown in the book numerous times. In the “Rules of the Game”, there was an argument between Wavery and her mother:

"'I wish you wouldn't do that, telling everybody I'm your daughter.' My mother stopped walking...'Aiii-ya. So shame be with mother?' She grasped my hand even tighter as she glared at me." (Page 99)

This show that even though being a chess champion makes her mother really happy, Wavery is finally fed up with her mother always rubbing her accomplishments in other people's faces. This kinf of similarity also showed in the story “Two Kinds”, Jing-Mei gave out actions of defiant toward the way how her mother is parenting her:

“She yanked me by the arm, pulled me off the floor, snapped off the TV. She was frighteningly strong, half pulling, half carrying me toward the piano as I kicked the throw rugs under my feet."
(Page 141)

In conclusion, the “Joy Luck Club” expresses pretty well the overall strictness and over demanding parenting from the mothers toward their daughters.

Friday, March 4, 2011


The introduction piece on page 87 is about a mom telling a little girl not to ride her bike around the corner because she can not see her. But the little girl decided to fight back and say she will not fall. and as she rode the bike, she fell before she even got to the corner. I think that the point of this introduction piece is that when kids are little, they do not know much and the mother is always right about what they say. They try to control the kids just to protect them, but the kids think that they are better then what the parents say. So the little kids choose to do it anyways and that proves the kids wrong. I think when these happen to the kids, it makes the kids start the think that parents are always right.

And that is when parents start to get in control of their children's minds and brain wash them to do what they want them to do. It Kind of shows how parents sometime say things just for kids to listen to them and sometimes have no proof to show their kids that they should listen to their parents. Most kids think that their parents are right because it is their mom or dad and they must obey them. They should obey them because they are older but sometimes i just think its just not nessecary for them to like control their lifes to much. I think that when parents control their kids to much then the kids might think that it is okay for them to tell them what to do. Then Most likely the kids would turn out just like there parents and do the same thing to their kids. not giving them much freedom to explore the world like normal childrens should.