Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Personal Statement

Personal Statement 1:
I have two older sisters, one brother, and one parent. My dad left my mom when i was just a little girl. My mom has always been there for me to push me through the tough times. Once i reached Sixth graded, life got more tough. Drama is school and at home started happening. I felt like there was no one there for me anymore. Everything went downhill as i grew up more, i gained a lot of more friends, but they only knew me as the girl that liked to joke around a lot. I like to joke around because it keeps my mind off of all my troubles. I tried to not take anything to seriously anymore because i never wanted to be let down again. The teachers thought of me as the girl that never listens and was always stubborn to the instructions. I felt like friends were the only thing there for me now.

My mom stopped trying to push me because she said she was to tired of trying to keep me up in life. She had to work two jobs and barely got enough sleep. I never wanted to bother her or ask her for anything because i knew that she worked her hardest to raise four kids. My aunt also helped a lot in the cooking because she knew that we had nothing to eat for dinner. Whenever i am in a bad time in life, i go and talk to my toy lion. His name was Bushy. He was my closest friend that i could trust, but then again, he also was not real. He was there when i cried every time i needed to cry.

Coming into high school was exciting and scary, i did not know if i would ever fit in. It took me a long time to fit into my middle school, even though i went to school with the same people for seven years. When i was in high school, the environment felt unusual, everybody acted like they already knew each other and i did not even know one person. Again, i was the shy and quiet girl that no one talked to much but did not hate. i felt like a nobody, like there was no one there to tell how i feel to anymore.

So when i get older, I always want to be the person their to listen to peoples problems. I want people to know that there might not be anyone they know to listen to their or problems, but there is always someone else to listen. There should always be someone that would not judge the way you think or the way you feel. Everybody has problems in their life and i want to be the one that would not let them hold in their feelings until they explode. I always felt like my life was not the best and just needed someone to listen. I want to be that person. The person that people can trust me enough to tell me about any problems they have. Even if it is so dark,evil, or scary that they could not tell anyone else and i could be the one helping them.

Personal Statement 2:
A good quality that i have that i am proud of is that when i study and know what i want to do, i actually put my mind into what i want and would try to achieve it. Sometime it would be hard to know what i want because it is very hard to decide about what i want. When i ever decide what i want then i would always try me best to know anything possible to succeed my goal. people may always think that i am very lazy and slow at getting the job done, but when i am actually interested in what i am doing, then i would do a good job. I am also proud of being Vietnamese. People may have problems of being what they are because of the racism around them, but i do not mind at all.

I am proud of what race i am because i believe that even though we are all different, we are still the same in the way we are. That’s why i am part of a program called “Asian Pacific Island Youth Promoting Advocacy & Leadership” (AYPAL), they try to start ethnic studies in school so people can learn more about the people around them instead of just the American History. people need to learn that American history is not more important than your own history because your own history is part of your background and it helps show who you are and who you have became to who you are right now. People should know the different traditions that they have in their own culture. There are many different type of things in a culture that could be interesting to know about. Many people like me learn about their culture at home because they do not teach it in schools. From home i learned the many different types of food, clothing, and dances that they do traditionally. I feel that if you learn about your own culture, you can always pass it own to your own children and also teach other people about your culture or other people’s culture too. Learning this makes me believe that it could reduce racism around the world because even when people have different ways that they celebrate their holidays. We all act, feel, and think the same way.

It helps me be the person i am today because i am a person that does not like people being rude like racism. So i would like to teach other people to change the way they offend people and start thinking differently about the way they insult each other.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Draft

The book The curious incident of the dog in the night time by Mark Haddon is a book that i did not expect it to be. It was written in the perspective of an autistic child. England and their view on autism, could have positively and negatively shaped Christopher's life. He goes to school in an environment that seems okay and stable, but I bet underneath, there is not a lot of money that is going into a project that help kids like him. His dad also seems guilty that he brought into the world an autistic kid, and treats Christopher with privilege.

This also shows the community's response to autism. Christopher talks about how prime numbers are whats left when you take all the others, i believe that he was talking about himself and everybody else like him. If you take away the rest of the world, then you get the prime numbers. He dose not like people, or actually dose not understand them. When you do not understand something, most of the time, you do not like it either. So, if you were to take away all the people in the world, accept autistic people, then thats the world Christopher would want to live in. One of the points brought up was how Chris reacts towards the two colors, yellow and brown. One of his reasons for disliking these colors was because bananas turn from yellow to brown. There must be a connection there, but it was hard to tell.I believe that this banana thing has to do with the fact that it turns different colors, something that seems illogical. And especially from yellow, a bright color, to brown, a darker color.

It seems that he also has problems with these colors because maybe his mom was wearing these colors the day she left him and the father.However, he recognizes how it is silly that he hates these colors. Another point that we brought up was how he reacts to emotion. The dad becomes very cross with Christopher because he continues to investigate and study the case of Wellington's murder. Soon after, Chris's dad reviles that he is the killer. We talked about how the dad feels guilty about bring Christopher into the world autistic, and how he wants to repair the damage between him and his wife and between him and Christopher. Christopher dislikes physical contact between himself and others and between food items. Chris hits the dad on accident when the dad touches his shoulder. We said that he felt scared and worried about what his father might do to him.The other thing hemany different things relating to Christopher's autism. However, in this blog, I am going to write about the actual mechanics of our discussion. We had every one pitch in this time, instead of only one or two members dominating the conversation. It was nice to have others input on this book. Some others brought up good points that would have never come up in my mind. hates is when food touches each other.

Again, we are not sure why he is like this. The curious incident of the dog in the night time is a book about an autistic child named Christopher who is 15. The author, Mark haddon, is an amazing author who writes in such away that it makes feel like you are really in the head of Christopher. What i like about is that it shows an every day world through the eyes of an autistic kid. And, with that, i have come to realize that we all have little things we do to keep our selves calm or relaxed

Monday, May 2, 2011

The curious incident of the dog in the Night time RD

The book The curious incident of the dog in the night time by Mark Haddon is a book that i did not expect it to be. It was written in the perspective of an autistic child. England and their view on autism, could have positively and negatively shaped Christopher's life. He goes to school in an environment that seems okay and stable, but I bet underneath, there is not a lot of money that is going into a project that help kids like him. His dad also seems guilty that he brought into the world an autistic kid, and treats Christopher with privilege.

This also shows the community's response to autism. Christopher talks about how prime numbers are whats left when you take all the others, i believe that he was talking about himself and everybody else like him. If you take away the rest of the world, then you get the prime numbers. He dose not like people, or actually dose not understand them. When you do not understand something, most of the time, you do not like it either. So, if you were to take away all the people in the world, accept autistic people, then thats the world Christopher would want to live in. One of the points brought up was how Chris reacts towards the two colors, yellow and brown. One of his reasons for disliking these colors was because bananas turn from yellow to brown. There must be a connection there, but it was hard to tell.I believe that this banana thing has to do with the fact that it turns different colors, something that seems illogical. And especially from yellow, a bright color, to brown, a darker color.

It seems that he also has problems with these colors because maybe his mom was wearing these colors the day she left him and the father.However, he recognizes how it is silly that he hates these colors. Another point that we brought up was how he reacts to emotion. The dad becomes very cross with Christopher because he continues to investigate and study the case of Wellington's murder. Soon after, Chris's dad reviles that he is the killer. We talked about how the dad feels guilty about bring Christopher into the world autistic, and how he wants to repair the damage between him and his wife and between him and Christopher. Christopher dislikes physical contact between himself and others and between food items. Chris hits the dad on accident when the dad touches his shoulder. We said that he felt scared and worried about what his father might do to him.The other thing hemany different things relating to Christopher's autism. However, in this blog, I am going to write about the actual mechanics of our discussion. We had every one pitch in this time, instead of only one or two members dominating the conversation. It was nice to have others input on this book. Some others brought up good points that would have never come up in my mind. hates is when food touches each other.

Again, we are not sure why he is like this. The curious incident of the dog in the night time is a book about an autistic child named Christopher who is 15. The author, Mark haddon, is an amazing author who writes in such away that it makes feel like you are really in the head of Christopher. What i like about is that it shows an every day world through the eyes of an autistic kid. And, with that, i have come to realize that we all have little things we do to keep our selves calm or relaxed

Comments to Group RD


Talking about the chapter length and the amount of chapters got really redundant. Paragraph three is not complete, maybe it got cut off; you should edit that. The way you explain the sections of the book is kind of confusing. You say in the paragraph before that the coma and the sleep state confuse you, but then you say that there are three different sections of his coma. That makes it really confusing. Also you need tags in your introduction paragraph.

Amber G

1. I really like your analysis of Talon. It really makes sense how you say his character was shaped by the life he lived on the streets, and how he really is an adult in a child's body.
2. I really the dialogue you used to convey his character. "Talon makes Church officials laugh with his childish suggestions, he makes Knights blush with his perverse comments, he makes nobles confused and he makes other thieves jealous. Talon has such a broad character that fits perfectly inside the small stature of a young thief." It really allows me to see him in the book.
3. Maybe somehow make a deeper analysis of the character....go into greater detail about how his character was shaped, connect that idea to something else, ect. lol.
But overall good review.


There is not transition between paragraphs three and four, it went straight to your idea of the purpose of the book. “After finishing The Hunger Games, I thought that it was a very great book. It got very intense and exciting to read near the middle of the book. Its like you can not stop flipping the pages. This was really a great book, it taught me alot about how government runs when it takes control of the people. This book is intended to tell people about this kind of government system; warning the possibility that out government system might turn out this way.” this paragraph makes me want to read the book. Good job at telling how you felt while reading the book. The way you describe your book makes me want to read it too, good job at trying to convince the audience that the book is great for reading.